ACL.2023 - Short Papers

Total: 164

#1 Should you marginalize over possible tokenizations? [PDF7] [Copy] [Kimi24]

Authors: Nadezhda Chirkova ; Germán Kruszewski ; Jos Rozen ; Marc Dymetman

Autoregressive language models (LMs) map token sequences to probabilities. The usual practice for computing the probability of any character string (e.g. English sentences) is to first transform it into a sequence of tokens that is scored by the model. However, there are exponentially many token sequences that represent any given string. To truly compute the probability of a string one should marginalize over all tokenizations, which is typically intractable. Here, we analyze whether the practice of ignoring the marginalization is justified. To this end, we devise an importance-sampling-based algorithm that allows us to compute estimates of the marginal probabilities and compare them to the default procedure in a range of state-of-the-art models and datasets. Our results show that the gap in log-likelihood is no larger than 0.5% in most cases, but that it becomes more pronounced for data with long complex words.

#2 Back to Patterns: Efficient Japanese Morphological Analysis with Feature-Sequence Trie [PDF3] [Copy] [Kimi8]

Author: Naoki Yoshinaga

Accurate neural models are much less efficient than non-neural models and are useless for processing billions of social media posts or handling user queries in real time with a limited budget. This study revisits the fastest pattern-based NLP methods to make them as accurate as possible, thus yielding a strikingly simple yet surprisingly accurate morphological analyzer for Japanese. The proposed method induces reliable patterns from a morphological dictionary and annotated data. Experimental results on two standard datasets confirm that the method exhibits comparable accuracy to learning-based baselines, while boasting a remarkable throughput of over 1,000,000 sentences per second on a single modern CPU. The source code is available at

#3 Transformed Protoform Reconstruction [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi7]

Authors: Young Min Kim ; Kalvin Chang ; Chenxuan Cui ; David R. Mortensen

Protoform reconstruction is the task of inferring what morphemes or words appeared like in the ancestral languages of a set of daughter languages. Meloni et al (2021) achieved the state-of-the-art on Latin protoform reconstruction with an RNN-based encoder-decoder with attention model. We update their model with the state-of-the-art seq2seq model: the Transformer. Our model outperforms their model on a suite of different metrics on two different datasets: their Romance data of 8,000 cognates spanning 5 languages and a Chinese dataset (Hou 2004) of 800+ cognates spanning 39 varieties. We also probe our model for potential phylogenetic signal contained in the model. Our code is publicly available at

#4 Ellipsis-Dependent Reasoning: a New Challenge for Large Language Models [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi7]

Author: Daniel Hardt

We propose a novel challenge for large language models: ellipsis-dependent reasoning. We define several structures of paired examples, where an ellipsis example is matched to its non-ellipsis counterpart, and a question is posed which requires resolution of the ellipsis. Test results show that the best models perform well on non-elliptical examples but struggle with all but the simplest ellipsis structures.

#5 Bootstrapping Neural Relation and Explanation Classifiers [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi5]

Authors: Zheng Tang ; Mihai Surdeanu

We introduce a method that self trains (or bootstraps) neural relation and explanation classifiers. Our work expands the supervised approach of CITATION, which jointly trains a relation classifier with an explanation classifier that identifies context words important for the relation at hand, to semi-supervised scenarios. In particular, our approach iteratively converts the explainable models’ outputs to rules and applies them to unlabeled text to produce new annotations. Our evaluation on the TACRED dataset shows that our method outperforms the rule-based model we started from by 15 F1 points, outperforms traditional self-training that relies just on the relation classifier by 5 F1 points, and performs comparatively with the prompt-based approach of CITATION (without requiring an additional natural language inference component).

#6 A Fast Algorithm for Computing Prefix Probabilities [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi5]

Authors: Franz Nowak ; Ryan Cotterell

Multiple algorithms are known for efficiently calculating the prefix probability of a string under a probabilistic context-free grammar (PCFG). Good algorithms for the problem have a runtime cubic in the length of the input string. However, some proposed algorithms are suboptimal with respect to the size of the grammar. This paper proposes a new speed-up of Jelinek and Lafferty’s (1991) algorithm, which runs in O(n3|N|3 + |N|4), where n is the input length and |N| is the number of non-terminals in the grammar. In contrast, our speed-up runs in O(n2|N|3 + n3|N|2).

#7 Analyzing Text Representations by Measuring Task Alignment [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi10]

Authors: Cesar Gonzalez-Gutierrez ; Audi Primadhanty ; Francesco Cazzaro ; Ariadna Quattoni

Textual representations based on pre-trained language models are key, especially in few-shot learning scenarios. What makes a representation good for text classification? Is it due to the geometric properties of the space or because it is well aligned with the task? We hypothesize the second claim. To test it, we develop a task alignment score based on hierarchical clustering that measures alignment at different levels of granularity. Our experiments on text classification validate our hypothesis by showing that task alignment can explain the classification performance of a given representation.

#8 Tracing Linguistic Markers of Influence in a Large Online Organisation [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1]

Authors: Prashant Khare ; Ravi Shekhar ; Mladen Karan ; Stephen McQuistin ; Colin Perkins ; Ignacio Castro ; Gareth Tyson ; Patrick Healey ; Matthew Purver

Social science and psycholinguistic research have shown that power and status affect how people use language in a range of domains. Here, we investigate a similar question in a large, distributed, consensus-driven community with little traditional power hierarchy – the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), a collaborative organisation that designs internet standards. Our analysis based on lexical categories (LIWC) and BERT, shows that participants’ levels of influence can be predicted from their email text, and identify key linguistic differences (e.g., certain LIWC categories, such as “WE” are positively correlated with high-influence). We also identify the differences in language use for the same person before and after becoming influential.

#9 Metaphor Detection via Explicit Basic Meanings Modelling [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi1]

Authors: Yucheng Li ; Shun Wang ; Chenghua Lin ; Frank Guerin

One noticeable trend in metaphor detection is the embrace of linguistic theories such as the metaphor identification procedure (MIP) for model architecture design. While MIP clearly defines that the metaphoricity of a lexical unit is determined based on the contrast between its contextual meaning and its basic meaning, existing work does not strictly follow this principle, typically using the aggregated meaning to approximate the basic meaning of target words. In this paper, we propose a novel metaphor detection method, which models the basic meaning of the word based on literal annotation from the training set, and then compares this with the contextual meaning in a target sentence to identify metaphors. Empirical results show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art method significantly by 1.0% in F1 score. Moreover, our performance even reaches the theoretical upper bound on the VUA18 benchmark for targets with basic annotations, which demonstrates the importance of modelling basic meanings for metaphor detection.

#10 xSIM++: An Improved Proxy to Bitext Mining Performance for Low-Resource Languages [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1]

Authors: Mingda Chen ; Kevin Heffernan ; Onur Çelebi ; Alexandre Mourachko ; Holger Schwenk

We introduce a new proxy score for evaluating bitext mining based on similarity in a multilingual embedding space: xsim++. In comparison to xsim, this improved proxy leverages rule-based approaches to extend English sentences in any evaluation set with synthetic, hard-to-distinguish examples which more closely mirror the scenarios we encounter during large-scale mining. We validate this proxy by running a significant number of bitext mining experiments for a set of low-resource languages, and subsequently train NMT systems on the mined data. In comparison to xsim, we show that xsim++ is better correlated with the downstream BLEU scores of translation systems trained on mined bitexts, providing a reliable proxy of bitext mining performance without needing to run expensive bitext mining pipelines. xsim++ also reports performance for different error types, offering more fine-grained feedbacks for model development.

#11 Improving Low-resource Named Entity Recognition with Graph Propagated Data Augmentation [PDF3] [Copy] [Kimi8]

Authors: Jiong Cai ; Shen Huang ; Yong Jiang ; Zeqi Tan ; Pengjun Xie ; Kewei Tu

Data augmentation is an effective solution to improve model performance and robustness for low-resource named entity recognition (NER). However, synthetic data often suffer from poor diversity, which leads to performance limitations. In this paper, we propose a novel Graph Propagated Data Augmentation (GPDA) framework for Named Entity Recognition (NER), leveraging graph propagation to build relationships between labeled data and unlabeled natural texts. By projecting the annotations from the labeled text to the unlabeled text, the unlabeled texts are partially labeled, which has more diversity rather than synthetic annotated data. To strengthen the propagation precision, a simple search engine built on Wikipedia is utilized to fetch related texts of labeled data and to propagate the entity labels to them in the light of the anchor links. Besides, we construct and perform experiments on a real-world low-resource dataset of the E-commerce domain, which will be publicly available to facilitate the low-resource NER research. Experimental results show that GPDA presents substantial improvements over previous data augmentation methods on multiple low-resource NER datasets.

#12 Dataset Distillation with Attention Labels for Fine-tuning BERT [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi2]

Authors: Aru Maekawa ; Naoki Kobayashi ; Kotaro Funakoshi ; Manabu Okumura

Dataset distillation aims to create a small dataset of informative synthetic samples to rapidly train neural networks that retain the performance of the original dataset. In this paper, we focus on constructing distilled few-shot datasets for natural language processing (NLP) tasks to fine-tune pre-trained transformers. Specifically, we propose to introduce attention labels, which can efficiently distill the knowledge from the original dataset and transfer it to the transformer models via attention probabilities. We evaluated our dataset distillation methods in four various NLP tasks and demonstrated that it is possible to create distilled few-shot datasets with the attention labels, yielding impressive performances for fine-tuning BERT. Specifically, in AGNews, a four-class news classification task, our distilled few-shot dataset achieved up to 93.2% accuracy, which is 98.5% performance of the original dataset even with only one sample per class and only one gradient step.

#13 Multi-Document Summarization with Centroid-Based Pretraining [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi4]

Authors: Ratish Surendran Puduppully ; Parag Jain ; Nancy Chen ; Mark Steedman

In Multi-Document Summarization (MDS), the input can be modeled as a set of documents, and the output is its summary. In this paper, we focus on pretraining objectives for MDS. Specifically, we introduce a novel pretraining objective, which involves selecting the ROUGE-based centroid of each document cluster as a proxy for its summary. Our objective thus does not require human written summaries and can be utilized for pretraining on a dataset consisting solely of document sets. Through zero-shot, few-shot, and fully supervised experiments on multiple MDS datasets, we show that our model Centrum is better or comparable to a state-of-the-art model. We make the pretrained and fine-tuned models freely available to the research community

#14 Scaling in Cognitive Modelling: a Multilingual Approach to Human Reading Times [PDF2] [Copy] [Kimi5]

Authors: Andrea de Varda ; Marco Marelli

Neural language models are increasingly valued in computational psycholinguistics, due to their ability to provide conditional probability distributions over the lexicon that are predictive of human processing times. Given the vast array of available models, it is of both theoretical and methodological importance to assess what features of a model influence its psychometric quality. In this work we focus on parameter size, showing that larger Transformer-based language models generate probabilistic estimates that are less predictive of early eye-tracking measurements reflecting lexical access and early semantic integration. However, relatively bigger models show an advantage in capturing late eye-tracking measurements that reflect the full semantic and syntactic integration of a word into the current language context. Our results are supported by eye movement data in ten languages and consider four models, spanning from 564M to 4.5B parameters.

#15 Improving Generalization in Language Model-based Text-to-SQL Semantic Parsing: Two Simple Semantic Boundary-based Techniques [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi2]

Authors: Daking Rai ; Bailin Wang ; Yilun Zhou ; Ziyu Yao

Compositional and domain generalization present significant challenges in semantic parsing, even for state-of-the-art semantic parsers based on pre-trained language models (LMs). In this study, we empirically investigate improving an LM’s generalization in semantic parsing with two simple techniques: at the token level, we introduce a token preprocessing method to preserve the semantic boundaries of tokens produced by LM tokenizers; at the sequence level, we propose to use special tokens to mark the boundaries of components aligned between input and output. Our experimental results on two text-to-SQL semantic parsing datasets show that our token preprocessing, although simple, can substantially improve the LM performance on both types of generalization, and our component boundary marking method is particularly helpful for compositional generalization.

#16 HiPool: Modeling Long Documents Using Graph Neural Networks [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi4]

Authors: Irene Li ; Aosong Feng ; Dragomir Radev ; Rex Ying

Encoding long sequences in Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a challenging problem. Though recent pretraining language models achieve satisfying performances in many NLP tasks, they are still restricted by a pre-defined maximum length, making them challenging to be extended to longer sequences. So some recent works utilize hierarchies to model long sequences. However, most of them apply sequential models for upper hierarchies, suffering from long dependency issues. In this paper, we alleviate these issues through a graph-based method. We first chunk the sequence with a fixed length to model the sentence-level information. We then leverage graphs to model intra- and cross-sentence correlations with a new attention mechanism. Additionally, due to limited standard benchmarks for long document classification (LDC), we propose a new challenging benchmark, totaling six datasets with up to 53k samples and 4034 average tokens’ length. Evaluation shows our model surpasses competitive baselines by 2.6% in F1 score, and 4.8% on the longest sequence dataset. Our method is shown to outperform hierarchical sequential models with better performance and scalability, especially for longer sequences.

#17 A Weakly Supervised Classifier and Dataset of White Supremacist Language [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi2]

Authors: Michael Yoder ; Ahmad Diab ; David Brown ; Kathleen Carley

We present a dataset and classifier for detecting the language of white supremacist extremism, a growing issue in online hate speech. Our weakly supervised classifier is trained on large datasets of text from explicitly white supremacist domains paired with neutral and anti-racist data from similar domains. We demonstrate that this approach improves generalization performance to new domains. Incorporating anti-racist texts as counterexamples to white supremacist language mitigates bias.

#18 BOLT: Fast Energy-based Controlled Text Generation with Tunable Biases [PDF1] [Copy] [Kimi2]

Authors: Xin Liu ; Muhammad Khalifa ; Lu Wang

Energy-based models (EBMs) have gained popularity for controlled text generation due to their high applicability to a wide range of constraints. However, sampling from EBMs is non-trivial, as it often requires a large number of iterations to converge to plausible text, which slows down the decoding process and makes it less practical for real-world applications. In this work, we propose BOLT, which relies on tunable biases to directly adjust the language model’s output logits. Unlike prior work, BOLT maintains the generator’s autoregressive nature to assert a strong control on token-wise conditional dependencies and overall fluency, and thus converges faster. When compared with state-of-the-arts on controlled generation tasks using both soft constraints (e.g., sentiment control) and hard constraints (e.g., keyword-guided topic control), BOLT demonstrates significantly improved efficiency and fluency. On sentiment control, BOLT is 7x faster than competitive baselines, and more fluent in 74.4% of the evaluation samples according to human judges.

#19 mOKB6: A Multilingual Open Knowledge Base Completion Benchmark [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1]

Authors: Shubham Mittal ; Keshav Kolluru ; Soumen Chakrabarti ; Mausam

Automated completion of open knowledge bases (Open KBs), which are constructed from triples of the form (subject phrase, relation phrase, object phrase), obtained via open information extraction (Open IE) system, are useful for discovering novel facts that may not be directly present in the text. However, research in Open KB completion (Open KBC) has so far been limited to resource-rich languages like English. Using the latest advances in multilingual Open IE, we construct the first multilingual Open KBC dataset, called mOKB6, containing facts from Wikipedia in six languages (including English). Improvingthe previous Open KB construction pipeline by doing multilingual coreference resolution andkeeping only entity-linked triples, we create a dense Open KB. We experiment with several models for the task and observe a consistent benefit of combining languages with the help of shared embedding space as well as translations of facts. We also observe that current multilingual models struggle to remember facts seen in languages of different scripts.

#20 Covering Uncommon Ground: Gap-Focused Question Generation for Answer Assessment [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1]

Authors: Roni Rabin ; Alexandre Djerbetian ; Roee Engelberg ; Lidan Hackmon ; Gal Elidan ; Reut Tsarfaty ; Amir Globerson

Human communication often involves information gaps between the interlocutors. For example, in an educational dialogue a student often provides an answer that is incomplete, and there is a gap between this answer and the perfect one expected by the teacher. Successful dialogue then hinges on the teacher asking about this gap in an effective manner, thus creating a rich and interactive educational experience. We focus on the problem of generating such gap-focused questions (GFQs) automatically. We define the task, highlight key desired aspects of a good GFQ, and propose a model that satisfies these. Finally, we provide an evaluation by human annotators of our generated questions compared against human generated ones, demonstrating competitive performance.

#21 Detoxifying Text with MaRCo: Controllable Revision with Experts and Anti-Experts [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1]

Authors: Skyler Hallinan ; Alisa Liu ; Yejin Choi ; Maarten Sap

Text detoxification has the potential to mitigate the harms of toxicity by rephrasing text to remove offensive meaning, but subtle toxicity remains challenging to tackle. We introduce MaRCo, a detoxification algorithm that combines controllable generation and text rewriting methods using a Product of Experts with autoencoder language models (LMs). MaRCo uses likelihoods under a non-toxic LM (expert) and a toxic LM (anti-expert) to find candidate words to mask and potentially replace. We evaluate our method on several subtle toxicity and microaggressions datasets, and show that it not only outperforms baselines on automatic metrics, but MaRCo’s rewrites are preferred 2.1 times more in human evaluation. Its applicability to instances of subtle toxicity is especially promising, demonstrating a path forward for addressing increasingly elusive online hate.

#22 A Natural Bias for Language Generation Models [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1]

Authors: Clara Meister ; Wojciech Stokowiec ; Tiago Pimentel ; Lei Yu ; Laura Rimell ; Adhiguna Kuncoro

After just a few hundred training updates, a standard probabilistic model for language generation has likely not yet learnt many semantic or syntactic rules of natural language, making it difficult to estimate the probability distribution over next tokens. Yet around this point, these models have identified a simple, loss-minimising behaviour: to output the unigram distribution of the target training corpus. The use of such a heuristic raises the question: Can we initialise our models with this behaviour and save precious compute resources and model capacity? Here we show that we can effectively endow standard neural language generation models with a separate module that reflects unigram frequency statistics as prior knowledge, simply by initialising the bias term in a model’s final linear layer with the log-unigram distribution. We use neural machine translation as a test bed for this simple technique and observe that it: (i) improves learning efficiency; (ii) achieves better overall performance; and perhaps most importantly (iii) appears to disentangle strong frequency effects by encouraging the model to specialise in non-frequency-related aspects of language.

#23 Simple Augmentations of Logical Rules for Neuro-Symbolic Knowledge Graph Completion [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1]

Authors: Ananjan Nandi ; Navdeep Kaur ; Parag Singla ; Mausam

High-quality and high-coverage rule sets are imperative to the success of Neuro-Symbolic Knowledge Graph Completion (NS-KGC) models, because they form the basis of all symbolic inferences. Recent literature builds neural models for generating rule sets, however, preliminary experiments show that they struggle with maintaining high coverage. In this work, we suggest three simple augmentations to existing rule sets: (1) transforming rules to their abductive forms, (2) generating equivalent rules that use inverse forms of constituent relations and (3) random walks that propose new rules. Finally, we prune potentially low quality rules. Experiments over four datasets and five ruleset-baseline settings suggest that these simple augmentations consistently improve results, and obtain up to 7.1 pt MRR and 8.5 pt Hits@1 gains over using rules without augmentations.

#24 Parameter-efficient Weight Ensembling Facilitates Task-level Knowledge Transfer [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi1]

Authors: Xingtai Lv ; Ning Ding ; Yujia Qin ; Zhiyuan Liu ; Maosong Sun

Recent studies show that large-scale pre-trained language models could be efficaciously adapted to particular tasks in a parameter-efficient manner. The trained lightweight set of parameters, such as adapters, can be easily stored and shared as a capability equipped with the corresponding models. Owning many lightweight parameters, we focus on transferring them between tasks to acquire an improvement in performance of new tasks, the key point of which is to obtain the similarity between tasks. In this paper, we explore 5 parameter-efficient weight ensembling methods to achieve such transferability and verify the effectiveness of them. These methods extract the information of datasets and trained lightweight parameters from different perspectives to obtain the similarity between tasks, and weight the existing lightweight parameters according to the comparability to acquire a suitable module for the initialization of new tasks. We apply them to three parameter-efficient tuning methods and test them on a wide set of downstream tasks. Experimental results show that our methods show an improvement of 5%~8% over baselines and could largely facilitate task-level knowledge transfer.

#25 Faithfulness Tests for Natural Language Explanations [PDF] [Copy] [Kimi4]

Authors: Pepa Atanasova ; Oana-Maria Camburu ; Christina Lioma ; Thomas Lukasiewicz ; Jakob Grue Simonsen ; Isabelle Augenstein

Explanations of neural models aim to reveal a model’s decision-making process for its predictions. However, recent work shows that current methods giving explanations such as saliency maps or counterfactuals can be misleading, as they are prone to present reasons that are unfaithful to the model’s inner workings. This work explores the challenging question of evaluating the faithfulness of natural language explanations (NLEs). To this end, we present two tests. First, we propose a counterfactual input editor for inserting reasons that lead to counterfactual predictions but are not reflected by the NLEs. Second, we reconstruct inputs from the reasons stated in the generated NLEs and check how often they lead to the same predictions. Our tests can evaluate emerging NLE models, proving a fundamental tool in the development of faithful NLEs.